Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Keshe Foundation scam

Keshe Foundation is a scam organisation. Following are the signs of a scam organisation.

These are the sign of a scam by a con artist written by Phil Karn from another website. Keshe meets most of the criteria.
Some warning signs of crackpot or fraudulent inventions (special thanks to Phil Karn):

1. Extreme obsession with secrecy

fear of getting "ripped off"
refuses or delays patent application ("won't protect me")
e.g., Carl Tilley; Adam Clark; Madison Priest

some sincerely self-deluded inventors are exception;
Walker publishes enough to easily see mistakes

2. Inventor works alone, refuses technical help

��������������� e.g., Madison Priest, Adam Clark

��������������� sometimes, like-minded crackpots do join forces,
��������������� �e.g, Walker and Feher

3. Invokes conspiracies to explain lack of progress

Joseph Newman and the USPTO
Carl Tilley
Adam Clark
many other examples

4. The claimed invention implies violations of firmly established
�� mathematical or physical laws

the inventor may or may not directly admit this, or even understand it
the inventor may claim that existing laws are correct but widely "misunderstood"; naturally, only he understands them correctly

perpetual motion or "overunity" (Tilley, Newman, many others)
high speed modems operating in ultra-narrow bandwidths (Walker, Feher)
- walker claims Shannon is correct but "misunderstood"
full motion, high resolution video in dialup phone lines (Adam Clark, Madison Priest, Pixelon)
reactionless space drives

5. Claims discovery of new physical theories, or comprehensive "theories
�� of everything"

��������������� or asserts existing, accepted theories are "wrong"
��������������� all without proof

6. An unusually long gestation period without commercialization

frequently promises working device "in a few months"
deadlines always missed

Dennis Lee's free electricity machine
Newman's motor since early 1980s
Lutec 1000
VMSK and related schemes under development since 1985; no
commercial deployment of any scheme
"Adam's Platform" since 1998

7. Lack of formal education in relevant field

especially when combined with frequent potshots at the "establishment"

but sometimes outsiders *do* make significant contributions;
e.g., turbo coding came from outside the traditional coding
community. Claims were quickly and widely verified

8. Pursuit of ******* from unconventional sources

individuals, especially the elderly with large life savings
church groups, especially fundamentalist
wealthy people lacking education in subject field
******* sources with in-house expertise are carefully avoided
(e.g. large technology corporations and hi-tech VCs)

e.g., Dennis Lee, Carl Tilley

8. Repeated pattern of touting one design and then abandoning it in
�� favor of a new one when critics show it cannot work ��������������� ("bait and switch")

��������������� e.g., Walker's VPSK, then VMSK, then MSB, etc, etc

9. Appeals to religion or "higher power"

��������������� especially when seeking ******* from religious people or groups we humans "deserve" this invention, etc.

10. Heavy marketing emphasis on wonderful applications of device,
��������������� carefully avoiding question of whether the device actually works

VMSK would greatly increase capacity of RF spectrum
overunity devices would cure pollution, stop oil wars
Adam Platform would allow many more video applications
Dennis Lee would eliminate electric companies�������������
many more examples

Here is more info on the MO of all free energy and antigravity. Site is http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/fnrg.html .
Here is an extract.
Several legitimate free energy researchers do exist, but they don't spend huge amounts on advertising like the scammers do. You probably won't have heard of them. The people who pursue wide publicity are almost all scam artists. If someone is making large amounts of money from selling books and videos on free energy, be very suspicious. If someone is selling plans for "real" free-energy devices, they are a ripoff. Don't waste your money. Or if someone is selling "Dealer ships" or invest ment oppor tunities for a free energy corp, hold tight to your wallet and RUN! Or, if you've already let them get their hands on your money, ask to see proof of the FE device, and see what excuse you're given. (It will be a very convincing excuse. Scam artists don't act sneaky. Scam artists survive because they seem far MORE honest and honorable than a normal person.) Remember that the "con" in "con game" means "confidence." They win your confidence first, then they go after your money. How to tell the difference between a con game and a real product? Easy: if you give them money before receiving a working FE device, then it's a scam, always.
How can we tell a free energy scam from an honest FE researcher? Here are some symptoms of a scam:
The researcher wants your money. He wants people to invest, he wants subscribers for expensive newsletters, wants to sell "Dealer ships", he wants individuals to make large "donations." Or sometimes he wants to sell you extremely expensive plans which do not work... or to sell you all sorts of books and videos about devices which don't do anything real. In any scam, the WHOLE POINT is to separate the victims from their wallets. (If absolutely no money is involved, then the researcher might be legit... or the scam might be less obvious.) Some scammers say that they want to improve the world (etc.), but then they somehow always avoid doing this. They keep secrets, they run complex buisness deals... they do all sorts of things except the most obvious ones: sending out simple and obvious proof to everyone, and getting working FE devices out into the public by all possible methods.

You'll notice that the scammer uses deception. Now we all know that the "FE" field is similar to people selling maps to lost gold mines, or it's like the used car arena: honest dealers may exist, but they are rare. The majority of publicized FE companies are con-artists selling worthless junk to gullible people. For this reason, real FE researchers are careful to remain scruptiously honest. They bend over backwards to avoid misleading anyone even a little. They have deep habits of honesty, and they don't tell all those little lies which would be acceptable in other situations. So if you notice a researcher using even the smallest "politician ploy" or "marketing techniques," then you're almost certainly dealing with a con-man. If you point out these failings, they'll give sensible excuses. But the symptom is the lack of brutal bend-over-backwards honesty.

How can we tell? Just ask the F/E hobbyists. While most "skeptics" are hopelessly biased, and will dishonestly claim that ALL free-energy inventors are scammers, you can still ask the online F/E community. They'll quickly set you straight about who is a ripoff artist and who is a legit experimenter.

FE hobby sites

Peswiki: Magniwork scam, Magnets4Energy scam
PESWiki free energy resource
"Energy saving" scams
Adsitt's Scam Watch
NuScam (Perreault)
The invention violates current laws of physics. Well, that's OK, since historical inventions often violate the physics theories of their time. But if many other listed symptoms are present as well, then it's a scam.

The invention is unproven. It has not yet splashed itself across news headlines worldwide. "NEW SOURCE OF ENERGY DISCOVERED IN USA!" Nope. Scams always involve unproven inventions. Unproven inventions might be real or might not. But scammers often hide behind this fuzzy status.

The inventor keeps the device secret. That, or their patent lacks some critical information and nobody can build a working copy based on the patent. (A small critical piece of info remains secret.)

The scammer usually has a good website. Make that a GREAT website. Well, actually their website looks like it was build by site-design experts who charge enormous fees. Wow, look at that thing, how could they afford to create such an expensive monstrous "online facade?" And that's it exactly: FACADE. The scammers spend all their resources making an airtight facade: a false front which looks trustworthy. Sometimes it looks far more trustworthy than any legit company's website. It certainly looks more trustworthy than the website of a legit inventor. REAL inventors' websites are crap, since they're made by the inventor (since inventors can't afford to pay anyone, and also, why pay for something that you can build yourself?)

It's NOT the company's number one goal to prove that the invention is real. The scam company seems to have no goal besides creating an aura of attractive secrets: secrets which will only be revealed to an in-group of "superior" blue-blooded investors, while we rabble on the outside are obviously inferior since we haven't invested and don't know the secrets. (It's the old "treasure map" trick, playing up your victims' self-importance.) Scamsters have all sorts of other tricks to appeal to snobbery or inflate the egos of investors. They also have many really sensible excuses for not proving that their discovery is real. But honest companies just sit down and prove their claims beyond any doubt BEFORE gathering investors. After all, its unethical to take investors' money for extremely questionable and totally unproven devices as if they were normal inventions developed by reliable companies.

The company performs public demonstrations... but something always goes wrong. If it's a scam, then the "failure" was planned all along. When the inventor starts a demonstration, watch for the "failure" which excuses the inventor from having to actually prove the device. Or more rarely, the demonstration is simple fraud, such as a hidden power supply, or something similar to water-to-gasoline chemistry demonstrations where the stirring spoon has a wax plug which melts and releases the gasoline from a hidden pocket.

The inventor doesn't publish successful scientific research papers (i.e. he doesn't publish detailed replication instructions,) or if he does, other researchers can't get them to work. Something vital wasn't included.

The inventor uses Grand Conspiracies or government supression as an excuse. Yes, actual suppression and small, non-grand conspiracies really do exist. Some inventors have genuine horror stories about these. But if it's ALWAYS "the conspiracy's fault" and the inventor cannot test the device or even show good evidence that it works, or can't make progress despite years of investments or "donations," can't reveal history of the work, can't reveal device details... if "The Conspiracy" is to blame, or if "The Oil Companies have made threats," then it's a scam.

You risk being labeled as a "Scoffer" or "Government Spy." Some scammers manipulate their audience using the following ploy: "If you're not fighting for me, then obviously you must be against me." The scammer won't let you remain undecided about their invention. Instead he pressures and manipulates you to become his supporter. In other words, if you dare to look for their flaws, or dare insist on clear and simple evidence, and if you refuse to jump on the scammer's bandwagon, you'll be attacked by the scammer and his supporters. They'll try to apply labels to you: "untrusting," or "Nasty Skeptic," or "CIA infiltrator." Even worse, other undecided people will see this happen. Those people may join the bandwagon out of fear; to avoid being accused of Witchcraft as you were. (In some communities, one accusation of Skepticism will get you permanently banished.) If you see this ploy in use, then you're certainly dealing with a seasoned expert in con-artist tactics.

The inventor doesn't give out working copies of the invention to independent labs for testing (the hardware stays secret and untested.)

Oh, did I forget to mention that the invention remains secret? :) Secret, secret, secret! Secrecy equals scam, scam equals secrecy.

The inventor makes one statement, then contradicts himself later. This string of lies may not be obvious, but is revealed by comparing various statements. A classic version is "The idea was given to me by god" ...followed later by "I must keep the invention a secret so idea-theives can't steal it." (Hmmm. If god has gifted mankind with the secret of free energy, why is this guy keeping it hidden, and worse, trying to make money off it?!! Gifts from god are supposed to CONTROLLED? And SOLD?!)

The inventor hasn't tried winning any of the FE device prizes. Back in the days of flying machines, the genuine inventors were all questing after the several major prizes. They didn't distain the prizes and make excuses for not competing. But scammers sure do!

SEE: another list
Does this sound like Keshe. Modus operandi of phony antigravity free energy guys. Keshe meets most criteria. Website is http://www.phact.org/e/con_man.htm .

Becoming a Con man of crackpot technology for fun and profit

last updated 2003-02-23 - found at http://www.phact.org/e/con_man.htm

how to make a living pitching free energy machines

A number of people have made a decent living ripping off (usually elderly) investors, promising they will get rich on free energy.
---- the following tips can help any charismatic salesman get lots of money and notoriety ----

� Be very careful to have any investors forfeit their right to legal action any way possible. - this can be a last minute statement to sign, often you can hide silencing terms in a nondisclosure agreement.
� Start with outrageous enough claims to filter the more skeptical people out as early as possible. But, be careful about making too many bogus scientific claims, or you may find self-righteous skeptics trying to debunk you - if this happens, tell your followers they (or any critics) are part of the conspiracy - maybe nitpick at fine points of their arguments, but don't ever respond to their main thrust.
� Claim you are not in it for the money, just to save humanity. Say you have already been offered huge sums, but want to sell it to the little guy (i.e. the gullible guy). Try to market it to older mid-western Christian farmers - they've always bought in in the past. Build excitement for something wonderful.
� Focus investors attention away from evaluating claims on technical grounds. The following distractions are recommended:
get them involved in political issues. Convince them you have some large secretive benefactor.
focus their attention on an elaborate multi-generational international conspiracy which has kept everyone pitching free energy to fail. Make your audience outraged against the conspiracy, yet empowered that they can finally overcome it by giving you money.
talk about your valiant battles with the patent office or some government bureaucracy (that always warms people up)
get into religion quick (religious people are already taught to have faith) -appear to have God on your side
get people to focus on your theory rather than measurable evidence.
claim it already has been proven so you need not offer any proof Tell them you are done proving it and need big money to start mass production.
Write an autobiography (self-published, of course) where you can "control" the facts. When someone questions your shady past simply say, "Buy my book and learn the truth about what REALLY happened." Naive people won't question the "facts" because, after all, it's in a book. If your book is long enough, you may mesmerize them.
� You must focus on the big conspiracy. It's very important to make people believe in the big conspiracy - because that's your excuse for past failures, present lack of evidence, the critics, and future delays. Locking horns with bureaucrats or the scientific community can distract from your lack of evidence and get you great free press. Make people believe exciting claims of bad guys wanting to steal or bury your ideas. - then claim you will destroy your prototypes and records rather than let them fall into the hands of the bad guys.
� Be bold, sell books, consider taking out full page ad or get on the radio. People will feel that something this out in the open can not possibly be a fly by night Con. The most successful cons are ones lasting for a few years not the quick cons.
� Watch your target market, Go after people predisposed to believing in conspiracy theories such as the militias, JFK conspiracy, and UFO cover-up groups.
� If you are forced to demonstrate some device, consider the following important tips: bore the skeptics right out of the room with long discourses on elementary science; claim you have some adjustments to make, yet; say it worked yesterday; run your machine for just a few seconds and move on to some other important point. - or do the Newman trick of openly hooking up input power and just promising it's less than what comes out.
� A good final lesson, if the heat from impatient investors and public scrutiny gets too much, do what Keely did - just walk away from it all (just claim it doesn't work because the remaining people don't understand it) , and just start some new investment scheme for some other amazing claim.
� operate from a state which is soft on fraud and organized crime.
� Get people to pay around 20 - 100$ for "information kits" or video tapes. Once they've paid that much, it's easier to get them to start paying more money.
� Discourage investors from contacting each other and cover up evidence of earlier bitter investors.
� Get followers to sell your stuff to their friends, family and churches - try multilevel schemes - promise they will get rich by commissions on getting others to invest (who cares if this destroys their friendships).
� Be open to having newer investors buy out older more impatient investors. Always promise a disgruntled investor that someone else will soon buy him out.
� Don't be afraid of lawsuits, if OJ got off so can you - they can be one more excuse for delays. Most attorney generals will just bluff with a cease and desist order and then move on to someone else.
� Don't be afraid of investors defecting, most of them will feel too stupid to go public with their story - even if some do start successful attacks on you, just say they are agents of the big conspiracy.
� Jealously guard your list of investors, a good sucker list is worth its weight in gold and can even be sold to other con men.
� Don't be afraid of the press, they don't usually evaluate outlandish claims, and even if they do - your audience won't likely listen.
� Be open to 'red-lining' your investors (i.e.: tell them if they don't come up with just a little more money, they will lose it all)
� Be ready to move to another state with corrupt or weak DA's - if you are done 'harvesting' your initial area. (i.e.: New Jersey is known as an east coast haven for the mob, prostitution and home repair scams) Most states don’t bother to track people down across state lines.
� If you are really bold, you could give commissions for investors to find more investors. Better to also make others responsible for building the machines - it buys you time and gives you another person to blame.
Explain complex subjects simply, (leaving out lots of details) so that the mark feels as though he understands the subject well enough to make informed decisions.
How to deal with skeptics and detractors:
There are a number of approaches to deal with self righteous people who like to point out your flaws of reason, lists of previous victims, etc. out on the internet:
Label your detractors as CIA agents, or stupid or part of the great conspiracy.
say they are unqualified unless they are experts in your crazy theory.
try to restrict your message to newsletters and limited forums where the skeptical voice can be filtered out.
in a public forum deaden the audiences interest with tons of distracting counter "information".
try to delete their pages from the search engines, or bury their objections in enough distractions to make people avoid the debate
trying threatening your detractors with lawsuits - it will make some of them shut up
give up and only try to market to people too old or stupid to get on the internet. - or try selling to the Amish or more stupid ethnic groups.
--- hope no one gets too offended by this conjecture - most of it is inspired by a neat book, "Con Men and their methods". By the way, I've gotten taken a few times myself (maybe that's why I'm fascinated by the subject) ======== this page will be live updated at http://www.phact.org/e/con_man.htm

The Woo-Woo Credo - how to be a general kook
pages exposing Joe Newman and Dennis Lee who some people suspect of leading a nationwide scam. Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec Tewari. get on an email list for updates about Dennis Tom Bearden’s MEG device A rational review of meg claims inconsistancies in his theory Greer’s offer Bill Muller and questioning Bearden’s mental health free energy scams
� NATIONAL FRAUD INFORMATION CENTER and state attorney generals offices and investment fraud -the SEC's number is 202-942-8090
� scambusters gives information mostly on fraud over the internet. great list of scams FAIR's media contact list Newspaper Links by State E&P Media Links - Search Page
� Consumer Sentinel: Complaints - direct form to allow people to submit complaints
http://www.crimes-of-persuasion.com/ - a great resource of scams - their report on Dennis's operation
Prosecuting Attorneys, District Attorneys, Attorneys General & US Attorneys on the Web
Internet Fraud Complaint Center
Directory of Investigative Journalists - a good resource to get the media to expose a con man
A restraining order issued against Dennis Lee in 1999

Send any comments to the web pages to, Eric Krieg eric@phact.org
View Eric Krieg's skeptics pages and see more rants by Eric
UPDATE: Spotlight magazine just blasted Dennis. You can hear Dennis telling his followers to
send in money saying: , "I need to encourage you to do this no matter what it takes for you to do it. You can take in partners, limited partnerships, get a loan, break the kids piggy bank, max out the old credit cards, borrow against the insurance, cash in the Christmas fund or even the college fund because if you get them at $2.50 now before the 15th, it's going to be easy to get that money back". Don't believe me, hear Dennis's own words:

I got the following response from Dustin

It's sort of depressing how frauds can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on things like free-energy claims without showing any evidence that the device works. After reading your Dennis Lee page I realized that you don't even have to go through the trouble of faking a believable demonstration! If you can make a fortune off of something that doesn't exist it seems like anyone who really comes up with a good idea should become a millionaire. Then I think of how many stories I've heard of independent inventors having their ideas stolen by big companies and spending their whole lives in court trying to get the credit (and money) that they deserve. Now suppose you have actually invented a free energy device. The best way to find the most effective marketing strategy is to see how well different techniques have worked in the past. Given the evidence, your best option is to do as the scam-artists do! Think of the benefits: 1. There is plenty of skeptical literature explaining how people are convinced to give money to support unsubstantiated claims so you don't have to buy expensive "how to" books. 2. Any media coverage you receive will probably be positive. You might even have your own segment on a FOX special. 3. You don't have to convince mainstream scientists that it works. 4. You don't have to let the plans for your invention collect dust due to lack of *******. There are plenty of gullible people willing to give you money before you give any evidence that your device works. 5. On the off chance that there actually is a conspiracy to suppress free-energy, they will either ignore you completely or maybe even support you. After all, the more frauds there are, the less likely a real claim will be believed. 6. Suppose that when you get around to building a prototype you discover that it doesn't work Who cares! If people like Dennis Lee can make a fortune without having any good ideas in the first place, there's no reason why you can't do the same(I suppose it's possible that Mr. Lee originally thought he had free energy then took advantage of this particular benefit)
Does this sound like Keshe. Modus operandi of phony antigravity free energy guys. Keshe meets most criteria. Website is http://www.phact.org/e/con_man.htm .

Becoming a Con man of crackpot technology for fun and profit

last updated 2003-02-23 - found at http://www.phact.org/e/con_man.htm

how to make a living pitching free energy machines

A number of people have made a decent living ripping off (usually elderly) investors, promising they will get rich on free energy.
---- the following tips can help any charismatic salesman get lots of money and notoriety ----

� Be very careful to have any investors forfeit their right to legal action any way possible. - this can be a last minute statement to sign, often you can hide silencing terms in a nondisclosure agreement.
� Start with outrageous enough claims to filter the more skeptical people out as early as possible. But, be careful about making too many bogus scientific claims, or you may find self-righteous skeptics trying to debunk you - if this happens, tell your followers they (or any critics) are part of the conspiracy - maybe nitpick at fine points of their arguments, but don't ever respond to their main thrust.
� Claim you are not in it for the money, just to save humanity. Say you have already been offered huge sums, but want to sell it to the little guy (i.e. the gullible guy). Try to market it to older mid-western Christian farmers - they've always bought in in the past. Build excitement for something wonderful.
� Focus investors attention away from evaluating claims on technical grounds. The following distractions are recommended:
get them involved in political issues. Convince them you have some large secretive benefactor.
focus their attention on an elaborate multi-generational international conspiracy which has kept everyone pitching free energy to fail. Make your audience outraged against the conspiracy, yet empowered that they can finally overcome it by giving you money.
talk about your valiant battles with the patent office or some government bureaucracy (that always warms people up)
get into religion quick (religious people are already taught to have faith) -appear to have God on your side
get people to focus on your theory rather than measurable evidence.
claim it already has been proven so you need not offer any proof Tell them you are done proving it and need big money to start mass production.
Write an autobiography (self-published, of course) where you can "control" the facts. When someone questions your shady past simply say, "Buy my book and learn the truth about what REALLY happened." Naive people won't question the "facts" because, after all, it's in a book. If your book is long enough, you may mesmerize them.
� You must focus on the big conspiracy. It's very important to make people believe in the big conspiracy - because that's your excuse for past failures, present lack of evidence, the critics, and future delays. Locking horns with bureaucrats or the scientific community can distract from your lack of evidence and get you great free press. Make people believe exciting claims of bad guys wanting to steal or bury your ideas. - then claim you will destroy your prototypes and records rather than let them fall into the hands of the bad guys.
� Be bold, sell books, consider taking out full page ad or get on the radio. People will feel that something this out in the open can not possibly be a fly by night Con. The most successful cons are ones lasting for a few years not the quick cons.
� Watch your target market, Go after people predisposed to believing in conspiracy theories such as the militias, JFK conspiracy, and UFO cover-up groups.
� If you are forced to demonstrate some device, consider the following important tips: bore the skeptics right out of the room with long discourses on elementary science; claim you have some adjustments to make, yet; say it worked yesterday; run your machine for just a few seconds and move on to some other important point. - or do the Newman trick of openly hooking up input power and just promising it's less than what comes out.
� A good final lesson, if the heat from impatient investors and public scrutiny gets too much, do what Keely did - just walk away from it all (just claim it doesn't work because the remaining people don't understand it) , and just start some new investment scheme for some other amazing claim.
� operate from a state which is soft on fraud and organized crime.
� Get people to pay around 20 - 100$ for "information kits" or video tapes. Once they've paid that much, it's easier to get them to start paying more money.
� Discourage investors from contacting each other and cover up evidence of earlier bitter investors.
� Get followers to sell your stuff to their friends, family and churches - try multilevel schemes - promise they will get rich by commissions on getting others to invest (who cares if this destroys their friendships).
� Be open to having newer investors buy out older more impatient investors. Always promise a disgruntled investor that someone else will soon buy him out.
� Don't be afraid of lawsuits, if OJ got off so can you - they can be one more excuse for delays. Most attorney generals will just bluff with a cease and desist order and then move on to someone else.
� Don't be afraid of investors defecting, most of them will feel too stupid to go public with their story - even if some do start successful attacks on you, just say they are agents of the big conspiracy.
� Jealously guard your list of investors, a good sucker list is worth its weight in gold and can even be sold to other con men.
� Don't be afraid of the press, they don't usually evaluate outlandish claims, and even if they do - your audience won't likely listen.
� Be open to 'red-lining' your investors (i.e.: tell them if they don't come up with just a little more money, they will lose it all)
� Be ready to move to another state with corrupt or weak DA's - if you are done 'harvesting' your initial area. (i.e.: New Jersey is known as an east coast haven for the mob, prostitution and home repair scams) Most states don’t bother to track people down across state lines.
� If you are really bold, you could give commissions for investors to find more investors. Better to also make others responsible for building the machines - it buys you time and gives you another person to blame.
Explain complex subjects simply, (leaving out lots of details) so that the mark feels as though he understands the subject well enough to make informed decisions.
How to deal with skeptics and detractors:
There are a number of approaches to deal with self righteous people who like to point out your flaws of reason, lists of previous victims, etc. out on the internet:
Label your detractors as CIA agents, or stupid or part of the great conspiracy.
say they are unqualified unless they are experts in your crazy theory.
try to restrict your message to newsletters and limited forums where the skeptical voice can be filtered out.
in a public forum deaden the audiences interest with tons of distracting counter "information".
try to delete their pages from the search engines, or bury their objections in enough distractions to make people avoid the debate
trying threatening your detractors with lawsuits - it will make some of them shut up
give up and only try to market to people too old or stupid to get on the internet. - or try selling to the Amish or more stupid ethnic groups.
--- hope no one gets too offended by this conjecture - most of it is inspired by a neat book, "Con Men and their methods". By the way, I've gotten taken a few times myself (maybe that's why I'm fascinated by the subject) ======== this page will be live updated at http://www.phact.org/e/con_man.htm

The Woo-Woo Credo - how to be a general kook
pages exposing Joe Newman and Dennis Lee who some people suspect of leading a nationwide scam. Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec Tewari. get on an email list for updates about Dennis Tom Bearden’s MEG device A rational review of meg claims inconsistancies in his theory Greer’s offer Bill Muller and questioning Bearden’s mental health free energy scams
� NATIONAL FRAUD INFORMATION CENTER and state attorney generals offices and investment fraud -the SEC's number is 202-942-8090
� scambusters gives information mostly on fraud over the internet. great list of scams FAIR's media contact list Newspaper Links by State E&P Media Links - Search Page
� Consumer Sentinel: Complaints - direct form to allow people to submit complaints
http://www.crimes-of-persuasion.com/ - a great resource of scams - their report on Dennis's operation
Prosecuting Attorneys, District Attorneys, Attorneys General & US Attorneys on the Web
Internet Fraud Complaint Center
Directory of Investigative Journalists - a good resource to get the media to expose a con man
A restraining order issued against Dennis Lee in 1999

Send any comments to the web pages to, Eric Krieg eric@phact.org
View Eric Krieg's skeptics pages and see more rants by Eric
UPDATE: Spotlight magazine just blasted Dennis. You can hear Dennis telling his followers to
send in money saying: , "I need to encourage you to do this no matter what it takes for you to do it. You can take in partners, limited partnerships, get a loan, break the kids piggy bank, max out the old credit cards, borrow against the insurance, cash in the Christmas fund or even the college fund because if you get them at $2.50 now before the 15th, it's going to be easy to get that money back". Don't believe me, hear Dennis's own words:

I got the following response from Dustin

It's sort of depressing how frauds can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on things like free-energy claims without showing any evidence that the device works. After reading your Dennis Lee page I realized that you don't even have to go through the trouble of faking a believable demonstration! If you can make a fortune off of something that doesn't exist it seems like anyone who really comes up with a good idea should become a millionaire. Then I think of how many stories I've heard of independent inventors having their ideas stolen by big companies and spending their whole lives in court trying to get the credit (and money) that they deserve. Now suppose you have actually invented a free energy device. The best way to find the most effective marketing strategy is to see how well different techniques have worked in the past. Given the evidence, your best option is to do as the scam-artists do! Think of the benefits: 1. There is plenty of skeptical literature explaining how people are convinced to give money to support unsubstantiated claims so you don't have to buy expensive "how to" books. 2. Any media coverage you receive will probably be positive. You might even have your own segment on a FOX special. 3. You don't have to convince mainstream scientists that it works. 4. You don't have to let the plans for your invention collect dust due to lack of *******. There are plenty of gullible people willing to give you money before you give any evidence that your device works. 5. On the off chance that there actually is a conspiracy to suppress free-energy, they will either ignore you completely or maybe even support you. After all, the more frauds there are, the less likely a real claim will be believed. 6. Suppose that when you get around to building a prototype you discover that it doesn't work Who cares! If people like Dennis Lee can make a fortune without having any good ideas in the first place, there's no reason why you can't do the same(I suppose it's possible that Mr. Lee originally thought he had free energy then took advantage of this particular benefit)